Tuesday, March 3, 2009

2nd Amendment March

We received the following announcement from a good friend:

For those of you that haven’t heard about it yet, a march in Washington, D.C. in support of The 2nd Amendment, is being planned for the spring of 2010.

A website is up and running for the event at: www.SecondAmendmentMarch.com.

I urge you to attend the march in Washington, or if you can’t make it to our capitol, then plan to attend one of the many satellite marches that will be held throughout the US at the same time. It is time that our collective voices be heard.

I also urge you to lend whatever support you can to this march, whether it be your time, money, or anything else that will insure the success of this historical event.

Please forward this email to all interested parties. With all of us working together, we will show the world what a Million Man (and woman) March really looks like.


While we believe this is a very interesting idea, we also believe that setting it up for 2010 is too far away. It appears that the new administration has plans to attack the 2nd Amendment sooner than Spring 2010. Still, it doesn't hurt to watch this topic closely.

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